
Ordinance 12-02-04 of the City of Ennis Code defines graffiti as markings, initials, slogans, inscriptions, symbols, designs or other drawings which are written, sketched, painted, drawn or applied in any other way to any structure, building, or property, or to any portion or element thereof, whether the property is public or private, without the effective consent of the owner. If a property owner has graffiti on the property, they are given a fifteen-day notice to remove the graffiti.

The city also offers to remove the graffiti free of charge to the owner, however if the property owner refuses the cities offer or fails to remove the graffiti, then the city has the authority to enter upon the property and abate the graffiti at the owners expense. If the owner fails to reimburse the city for such costs within 30 days, a privileged lien will be filed against the property.

To report violations, for specific information about each of these code violations, or information on how to acquire an information brochure, M-F 8a.m. - 5p.m. please call (972) 875-6442 or  Email.