General Information
Phone Numbers
(972) 875-6444
Fax: (972) 875-8540
Emergencies: Dial 911
105 S. Preston Street

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Migratory Birds

Migratory fowl (egrets, herons, barn swallows etc.) usually arrive during the months of March & April of each year.

Although this natural cycle can be beautiful, the challenges associated can be overwhelming. These concerns relate to noise, odor and significant amounts of excrement that covers streets, sidewalks, cars, mailboxes and other public and private property.
City staff is unable to address any of these issues while the birds are nesting due to their "protected" status provided by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The City needs the help of its residents to address this challenge proactively. We encourage you to take the steps below to protect your trees and to remain vigilant in observing bird activity in your neighborhood:

  • Thin tree canopy to allow sunlight to shine between limbs and other trees
  • Remove old nesting material
  • Use reflective tape, scare-eye balloons or other visual deterrents to make your trees less attractive to migratory birds in search of viable nesting sites
  • If you notice egrets or herons in your trees, use water hose or signal horns to scare birds from the trees

For more informaton regarding Texas Parks and Wildlife Migratory Bird Regulations Click On the link below:

For more informaton regarding U.S. Fish and Wildlife MigratoryBird Regulations Regulations:

We are protected...

Identifying Migratory Birds of Interest:

Cattle Egret

  • Length 18' - 22"
  • Wingspan 35" - 38"
  • Most abundant species in our local heronries
  • Yellow to orange bill
  • Short, thick neck
  • Hunched posture
  • Yellowish legs
  • Color may change during different times of the year
  • Breed late February - October

Yellow-Crowned Night Heron

  • Length 20" - 24"
  • Wingspan 40" - 46"
  • Frequently noticed in area heronries
  • Light to dark gray body
  • Gray bill
  • Small section of white feathers on top of head and along eyes
  • Long yellow legs
  • Breed March - July

Snowy Egret

  • Length 20"- 27"
  • Wingspan 41" - 44"
  • Frequently noticed in area heronries
  • Bill is thin, long and black
  • Long slender neck
  • Black legs
  • Bright yellow feet
  • Breed March - August

Great Egret

  • Length 37"- 41"
  • Wingspan 48"- 54"
  • Frequently noticed in area heronries
  • Large white bird
  • Bill is thin, long and yellow
  • Long slender neck
  • Black/gray legs and feet
  • Breed March - August

Great Blue Heron

  • Length 45"- 54"
  • Wingspan 66"- 79"
  • Very large bird
  • Not associated with area heronries
  • Slate blue body
  • Blue/green legs
  • Breed March - July 

We are also protected...

Other Protected Species - nongame species

Non Game Species Regulations

Protected Species in Texas

For more information about migratory birds and other protected species in Texas, please contact the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife at 972-293-3841.

To report a violation or concern contact the Department of Health Services M-F 8a.m. – 5p.m. 972-875-1234 or click here