General Information
Phone Numbers
972-875-1234 ext. 2242
Emergencies: Dial 911
1700 W. Lake Bardwell Dr

Emergency Management

Emergency Management

The City of Ennis Office of Emergency Management is charged with maintaining the City’s comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan.  Included in these duties is maintenance of the plans documents, security of the plan, training related to the plan and dissemination of the plan.  The City currently has an advanced level plan.  This plan was updated in 2010 in accordance with state requirements and approved by the Texas Department of Emergency Management; additionally the Emergency operations plan will be updated with a completion date of 2015.

The City of Ennis office of Emergency Management’s goal is to provide preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery to our community in the event of a disaster.  Emergency Management staff conducted a local based discussion exercise and participated in a regional disaster exercise to test and evaluate various aspects of meeting that goal.  The City of Ennis Office of Emergency Management conducts incident management training classes on a yearly basis.

We will continue to deliver preparedness information and training for the community and staff.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Fire Marshal Chad Wester

972-875-1234 ext. 2242