General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
107 N. Sherman Street

Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm

Tax & Revenue Collection

Sales Tax

Total sales tax rate is 8.25%

6.25%  State

1.00%   City

.50%   Economic Development

.25%   Street Maintenance

.25%   CCPD

Property Taxes

The City of Ennis’s Commission sets the property tax rate along with the budget in September. The tax rate is comprised of two elements, maintenance and operation and debt. Property tax rates Ellis County Taxes

In October, annual tax statements will be mailed to you and/or your mortgage company by the Ellis County tax office, not by the City of Ennis. The City has contracted with the Ellis County tax office to handle property tax billing and collections for all City of Ennis property owners.

For Properties in the City of Ennis

Property taxes for properties in Ennis are collected by the Ellis County Tax Office.

Upon receipt of your tax statement two convenient payment options are available to you: 

Pay by mail: 

Ellis County Tax Assessor-Collector, 109 S. Jackson Street Waxahachie, TX 75165

Pay in person at any of 3 locations: 

The closest to Ennis is the location at 207 South Sonoma Trail Ennis, TX 75119. The hours at this office are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Payment by cash, check or credit/debit cards (fees apply) are accepted. You

For more information or other payment locations, please contact the Ellis County Tax Office at 972-825-5150.

Payment Deadlines

Taxes become due and payable October 1 and are delinquent if not paid on or before January 31. A penalty is imposed at the rate of 6% on the first day of the month of delinquency and will increase 1% each month thereafter reaching the maximum of 12% by July 1. Interest is imposed at the rate of 1% on the first day of the month of delinquency and will increase 1% each month thereafter. Taxes that remain delinquent on July 1, will incur an additional penalty, not to exceed 20% of the total taxes, penalties, and interest due.

Business personal property taxes that remain delinquent on April 1 will also be subject to a possible penalty pursuant to Section 33.11 of the Texas Property Tax Code. That provision allows for an additional penalty of 20% of the total taxes, penalties, and interest to defray the costs of collection.

Property Tax Appraisals

Property tax is appraised on January 1st each year. The tax appraisal covers the calendar year. Below are listed some of the topics the appraisal district controls and some general information on each. Visit the appropriate county's appraisal district website below:

Ellis County Central Appraisal District  

Property Value 

The appraisal district values all property within the City of Ennis for the City taxes. By state law, the property must be re-appraised at least once every three years. If the value on an individual property increases a substantial amount from year to year, the property could be re-appraised more often than the three years.

Value Protests 

The appraisal districts hear all protests on property values. By law there is only a certain time span in which protests may be filed. It is usually in the month of May. If you plan to protest the property value, please contact the appraisal district to confirm the time frame. The State Comptroller's Office prints a brochure giving information on many areas of the taxpayer’s rights. Obtain these through the appraisal district or from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.


The appraisal districts approve all exemptions according to Texas Property Tax Code. Exemption forms must be requested through the appraisal district. Some exemptions must be filed each year while others are one time only. Please contact the appraisal district if you have a question on exemptions.

Listed below are the exemptions and the amount offered by the City of Ennis. The exemptions must be filed with the appropriate Appraisal District. If the exemptions listed below are filed by May 1, the exemption will show on the original tax statement. If not, a supplemental bill will be mailed showing the adjustment when it is received from the appraisal district.

One percent (1%) or $5,000 (whichever is greater) Homestead Exemption: You must own and live on the property on January 1 of that year. The 1% percent, minimum $5,000, is taken off the appraised value (excluding capped value, if any).

$4,000 Over 65 Exemption: This exemption is pro-rated if you turn 65 after January 1. This exemption amount is subtracted after the homestead exemption. This exemption can only be used on the homestead property.

Ownership or Mailing Address Changes 

If there is an ownership or mailing address change, please write your applicable appraisal district.

Miscellaneous Revenues Collected

The City’s Miscellaneous Revenue Collections Office is responsible for billing and collections of various sources. Payments for items listed below can be paid with cash, check, money order or credit card. Questions or information on any of the following can be answered by calling the appropriate number listed below:

Mowing and Clean-up Liens:  For information, please call 972-875-1234. Billed mowing and clean-up charges not collected are filed as a labor lien on the property. When the charge is paid, a release of lien request is prepared and given to the person making the payment for them to file with county.

Hotel/Motel Tax:  For information, please call 972-875-1234. The hotel/motel fee represents seven percent (7%) of the gross income and is paid to the City on a quarterly basis. This payment is due by the last day of the month following the end of each quarter.