General Information
Phone Numbers
972-875-1234 Ext. 2244
Fax: 972-875-4615
Emergencies: Dial 911
1700 Lake Bardwell Dr.
Fire Administration

Fire Administration
M - F / 8am - 5pm

Outdoor Burning

Outdoor Burn Permit

Burn Permits are to allow the outdoor burning of brush piles resulting from land clearing operations.  Request are made through the Fire Marshal’s Office.  The fire marshal will come to the property to inspect the burn project.  Upon his approval a burn permit will be issued at a fee of $25.00.

Burn Permit Rules

  1. A copy of this permit shall remain on site at all times during the burn.
  2. Burning shall be commenced and conducted only when wind direction and other meteorological conditions are such that smoke and other pollutants will not cause adverse effects to any public road, landing strip, navigable water, or off-site structure containing sensitive receptors
  3. If at any time the burning causes, or may tend to cause, smoke to blow onto or across a road or highway, it is the responsibility of the person initiating the burn to post flag-persons on the affected roads and then make the necessary corrections to prevent the occurrence, which may include extinguishment of the burn.
  4. Burning must be conducted downwind of or at least 300 feet from any structure.
  5. Burning shall be conducted only between the hours of 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM unless waived by the fire official having jurisdiction.
  6. Burning shall be conducted only on the days of Monday through Friday. No burning on holidays.
  7. Pile size will be limited to 10 feet in circumference and 6 feet in height, unless waived by AHJ.
  8. Burning shall only commence when the surface wind speed is predicted to be between 6 and 15 MPH.
  9. Burning shall not be conducted during periods of actual or predicted persistent low level atmospheric temperature inversions.
  10. Burning shall not commence until notification is made to the fire official or their designated representative at 972-875-1234 Ext. 2242.  Decisions regarding the allowance of the burn on the day desired will be made by the fire official or their designated representative and shall be final.
  11. The burning operation shall be constantly attended by an adult.
  12. A form of fire suppression must be located on the property where the burning is conducted.

972-875-1234 ext. 2242